segunda-feira, 28 de outubro de 2013

panga panga wood characteristics

Av. Acordos Lusaka 349

Tel: + (258) 825024080
Fax: + (258) 23352031
Skype: moztimber

Raul Paiva

Pedro Ribeiro

Moztimber is a trusted timber exporter, we are a well established company in Mozambique with sawing mill in Beira. We own a large timber concession in Beira and our main species are Panga Panga, Chanfuta, Umbila, Messassa vermelha.

Panga Panga is extraordinary in its rarity; it is available in commercial quantities only in Mozambique. Its dark color with rich parenchyma bands brings a touch of the exotic into any room. Chanfuta is a stunning deep cream colored yellow wood with its own ambience. 

Product technical characteristics:

Commercial name: Messassa
Vernacule name: murroto/mutupuro/miroto
Family: Caesalpinoideae
Workability: Easy to saw, receives well varnish and wax

physical properties(kg/m3):
-normal (12%)                      710    
-basic                                      588    

-volumetria total (%)           13.6
- radial coeficient                  .23
- tangencial coeficiente         .29
saturation point fibers (%) 26

mechanical properties (N/mm2)
static flection
            -break point               126
            -flexion quota                        17.7
dynamic flextion
-       Resilience             .30
-       dynamic quota    .58
axial compression
            -break point               60
transversal traction
            - break point              3.3

commercial name: Missanda
vernacule name: Muavi, Nchungomuavi
Family: caesalpinaceae

Very durable wood, immune to  insects and fungus, resistant to marine agents

Resistant to sawing, works well with wax and varnish, good gluing capabilities

physical properties (kg/m3):
-normal (12%)                      980    
-basic                                      840    

-volumetria total (%)           8.9
- radial coeficient                  .22
- tangencial coeficiente         .30
saturation point fibers (%) 17

mechanical properties (N/mm2)
static flection
            -break point               127
            -flexion quota                        12.9
dynamic flextion
-       Resilience             .50
-       dynamic quota    .51
axial compression
            -break point               82
transversal traction
            - break point              19.8

general carpintery, naval construction,

Commercial name: Jambire
Vernacule name: Nambir, Panga Panga
Family: Faboideae
Workability: Easy to saw, receives well varnish and wax

physical properties(kg/m3):
-normal (12%)                      825    
-basic                                      714    

-volumetria total (%)           9.9
- radial coeficient                 
Av. Acordos Lusaka 349

Tel: + (258) 825024080
Fax: + (258) 23352031
Skype: moztimber

Raul Paiva

Pedro Ribeiro

Moztimber is a trusted timber exporter, we are a well established company in Mozambique with sawing mill in Beira. We own a large timber concession in Beira and our main species are Panga Panga, Chanfuta, Umbila, Messassa vermelha.

Panga Panga is extraordinary in its rarity; it is available in commercial quantities only in Mozambique. Its dark color with rich parenchyma bands brings a touch of the exotic into any room. Chanfuta is a stunning deep cream colored yellow wood with its own ambience. 

Product technical characteristics:

Commercial name: Messassa
Vernacule name: murroto/mutupuro/miroto
Family: Caesalpinoideae
Workability: Easy to saw, receives well varnish and wax

physical properties(kg/m3):
-normal (12%)                      710    
-basic                                      588    

-volumetria total (%)           13.6
- radial coeficient                  .23
- tangencial coeficiente         .29
saturation point fibers (%) 26

mechanical properties (N/mm2)
static flection
            -break point               126
            -flexion quota                        17.7
dynamic flextion
-       Resilience             .30
-       dynamic quota    .58
axial compression
            -break point               60
transversal traction
            - break point              3.3

commercial name: Missanda
vernacule name: Muavi, Nchungomuavi
Family: caesalpinaceae

Very durable wood, immune to  insects and fungus, resistant to marine agents

Resistant to sawing, works well with wax and varnish, good gluing capabilities

physical properties (kg/m3):
-normal (12%)                      980    
-basic                                      840    

-volumetria total (%)           8.9
- radial coeficient                  .22
- tangencial coeficiente         .30
saturation point fibers (%) 17

mechanical properties (N/mm2)
static flection
            -break point               127
            -flexion quota                        12.9
dynamic flextion
-       Resilience             .50
-       dynamic quota    .51
axial compression
            -break point               82
transversal traction
            - break point              19.8

general carpintery, naval construction,

Commercial name: Jambire
Vernacule name: Nambir, Panga Panga
Family: Faboideae
Workability: Easy to saw, receives well varnish and wax

physical properties(kg/m3):
-normal (12%)                      825    
-basic                                      714    

-volumetria total (%)           9.9
- radial coeficient                  .20
- tangencial coeficiente         .32
saturation point fibers (%) 18

mechanical properties (N/mm2)
static flection
            -break point               152
            -flexion quota                        18.4
dynamic flextion
-       Resilience             .43
-       dynamic quota    .62
axial compression
            -break point               69
transversal traction
            - break point              2.3

durability index                    10.7

general carpentry, heavy construction,  decoration, parquets,
- tangencial coeficiente         .32
saturation point fibers (%) 18

mechanical properties (N/mm2)
static flection
            -break point               152
            -flexion quota                        18.4
dynamic flextion
-       Resilience             .43
-       dynamic quota    .62
axial compression
            -break point               69
transversal traction
            - break point              2.3

durability index                    10.7

general carpentry, heavy construction,  decoration, parquets,

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